Your trusted partner for solving problems from the Earth to the Moon and beyond

Mission icon (diamond)


We’re a robotics-inspired engineering firm that does business like humans — that means living by our values and building meaningful relationships that lead to mutual success.

Values Icon (starburst)


Integrity, Give First, Personal Growth, Teamwork, Technical Excellence

Vision Icon (eye)


Our goal is to create a world where organizations undergo revolutionary technological change to usher in the next era of industry and harness the power of robotics, automation and electrification.

Opportunities to innovate are everywhere

and we’re here to help you capitalize. Whether you’re trying to make a product or system smarter, greener, safer or simply more efficient, robotics is often the answer. If it’s not, we’ll help you figure out what is.

Leverage deep experience across multiple engineering disciplines

With more than 60 years of combined experience, we’ve designed complex robotics systems for land, sea, air and space. Our founding engineers have solved the most pressing problems facing organizations ranging from small startups to Fortune 500s and NASA.

Our mission is to achieve your highest expectations. We pride ourselves on our ability to understand our clients’ needs so we can create solutions that go above and beyond expectations – that’s our commitment to you because that’s just who we are. We’re Novium.

Novium's Founders

James Holley

James Holley

Director of Technology Development

James is a co-founder of Novium and serves as its Director of Technology Development. James began his engineering career at NASA, where we developed electrical and software skills in robotics as a member of the Robotics Group at the Johnson Space Center. At NASA, he worked on Printed Circuit Board designs and embedded control systems as well as C++ control loops and Linux drivers and high-level python scripts. He spent approximately three years at Celanese Corporation as a senior process controls engineer before joining Novium. Here at Novium James and our third co-founder Josh Figuered are responsible for R&D activities and have spent several months building the prototype Series 60 and 100 modular robotics systems. James graduated from the University of Colorado with degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and earned a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University.

Josh Figuered

Josh Figuered

Principal Robotics Architect

Josh is also a co-founder of Novium and is the Principal Robotics Architect. He is a mechanical engineer and has over 15 years of mechanical engineering experience developing complex robotic systems for land, sea, air & space applications. He started his career at NASA’s Johnson Space Center where he worked in the Robotics Systems Technology Branch. At NASA, he was a systems design engineer and led hardware design projects for humanoid robotics and vehicles including the Space Exploration Vehicle, the Modular Robotic Vehicle, Robonaut, Valkyrie, and VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover). He has specialized in the development of vehicular and robotic drivetrain, actuators, lithium-ion batteries design and field testing. Josh co-leads R&D at Novium. He graduated from University of Wisconsin with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.